I came here hoping to learn about writing and with a big project in mind, but I quickly realised that sharing my experience with like-minded people is far more enjoyable!

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I think many of us can relate to this, but it's so important to keep sharing and focus on making connections with kindred spirits.

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May 15Liked by Tania Weatherley

I just read your note, and just like everyone before me said, you're amazing, awesome, keep it up.

Just wanted to share with you this piece I read, you might find it interesting.

Amateur Writers vs Professional Authors.

Written by Elif Shafak.

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I just read that article today/ it's a good one. Thanks for sharing.

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May 7·edited May 7Liked by Tania Weatherley

First of all, HI! I'm so happy that we found each other. I love that THIS post is my first introductory to you. 100000% relatable on so many fronts, thank you so much for sharing. Knowing that I can hear the sound of the highway outside of our building and you can hear kookaburras?? That sent me into a dreamy state.

When you wrote, 'Maybe I feel 'less than' now because I'm a mother as my primary focus these days and no longer a full-time professional.' - this one really got to me. Writing is my creative outlet and I have fallen SO much more in love with it (or the act of being ABLE to act on it) since becoming a mother. Is it because the time I have to myself is that much more limited and therefore this outlet feels special and rare, or is it because I'm doing so much overthinking that I have to get it out somewhere before I go absolutely MAD. Not sure, but guilt finds a way in and makes me feel less than. I used to have many mixed emotions about sharing my writing, my face, my voice, etc on social platforms because of judgement and fear and impostor syndrome. I couldn't tell you when exactly it was, but eventually I realized that was all a bunch of yadda yadda yadda, and who cares. Just do it without expectation. Have fun. Write it. Share it. Record it. No one else is going to do it for me, so just do it. It became a lot more freeing. With that being said, we are both totally good enough to be on substack and we're killing it.

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Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful comment Kathleen. So glad I found your Substack too as I love your content also. I think we are both in a similar stage of life it seems and I'm excited to connect with you and others like us who are exploring our writing journey in a new stage of life :)

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May 3Liked by Tania Weatherley

You already won *me* over with your writing. 😊 Keep it up. Love hearing the cute little stories about your boys. I can’t wait to read that Sailor Moon-style space opera of yours. 👀

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Woohoo glad I have one potential reader for my space story 😄 thanks for your kind words.

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Love this, Tania! You’re a great writer, and I’m happy you’re here! I have wondered the same thing about why I feel compelled to make my writing public. I think, like you, a big part of it is finding people I resonate with on a deep level. How else can we find those special connections without putting ourselves out there? When I clicked publish for the first last month, it felt like I was throwing up the bat signal. 😆

Also, that photo of your son and the sunset is incredible!!

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Aw thanks! Love the throwing up the bat signal analogy 😄 so true!

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Apr 27Liked by Tania Weatherley

I don't think any of us feel good enough to be here, I certainly don't, but here we are anyway!

PS Fitted sheets are the devil's work, I'm sure of it.

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They are the worst. Love your posts btw! Thanks for the comment ❤️

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Apr 26Liked by Tania Weatherley

OMG, this post was so good! I too hate putting fitted sheets on my bed. More often than not, I wrangle my husband to help me so he can do the corners! Love the cuddles with your babies. As a mom of an 18-yr old, I can tell you that you will absolutely miss those moments and will think of them often. And the gratitude section was really sweet. Really enjoyed this.

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Thanks so much Sandra.I get my husband to help me with the fitted sheets too 😆

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Right there with you on not liking putting on fitted sheets.

Now wondering what galas are and sound like!

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I encourage you to Google it! Galas are beautiful but they can be so loud they are more like an alarm going off rather than being lulled awake by chirps 😆

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Ha! “So loud they are more like an alarm going off rather than being lulled awake by chirps.” Looked it up - the pink and grey ones that look like a parrot or cockatoo, right?

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Yes that's them! We get many cockatoos too along with rainbow lorikeets.

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Resonate deeply with this (hence the title of my Substack) but the joy I am getting from it so far is worth all the wobbly feelings I have about pressing publish. I know I put myself out there in this space to connect with others. I want to stir something up enough in others that they are moved to share too. A good thing about the digital space is how easy it is to do that with those you’d never come across IRL! Here’s to us sitting in our discomfort again and again!!

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Absolutely! Thanks for reading and I enjoy following along with your continuing Substack journey also ❤️

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I have yet to meet a writer who hasn't struggled with imposter syndrome- thank you for your honesty, vulernability, and bravery in putting yourself out here! I love the small reflections you have given here, they give me a moment to pause on my own daily life and recognize the small beauties as well as the annoyances- it is so important to give space to both. Loved reading yours!

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Apr 22Liked by Tania Weatherley

I feel like I could have written it myself! It’s funny when we write our doubts out in the open. It makes sense in our heads, and we believe it, but somehow when we write it down it feels kind of odd.

You belong here and your writing is great!!

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Thanks so much Mika ❤️

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Hi Tania,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It's so relatable what you say about feeling hesitant to share your voice. I think many of us grapple with that feeling of "imposter syndrome" – like we're not good enough to be part of the conversation.

But here's the thing: You have a unique perspective and experiences to offer, and that's what makes your writing valuable. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there – you might be surprised by the positive response you get.

And by the way, being a mom is a huge accomplishment! It takes so much strength and dedication.

I'm excited to see what you share on Substack!

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Thanks so much for your kind words! It means a lot and thanks for taking the time to read my post ❤️

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You're welcome!

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