Love this! The not being able to find stuff when it's exactly where it's meant to be is a constant struggle. We call it refrigerator blindness in our house - you can open the fridge for the ketchup and not see it, someone else can walk over and grab it out of what seems like thin air. 🤣💚

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Togetherness makes me think of contradictions (which are special and necessary and a big part of my life and outlook). It reminds me of the yin/yang dynamic—not as opposing forces, but as intertwined extremes that carry a bit of each other within. When in balance, the yin and yang align and flow, despite their contradictory sense.

Everything built upon beautiful challenges and ugly ease. So much of what appears to be at odds is part of the same thing. It's the stuff of both over-conformity and conspiracy-leaning. Too much push toward one extreme alone leads to imbalance and deficiency.

I like how you capture navigating through this. Thanks for sharing.

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I love that Yin Yang interpretation because it is so true. Thanks for reading Martin

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That which cannot be pronounced sounds incredibly delicious! 🤤 Venting: In our house, I’m somehow the only one that ever knows where anything is. Only the magical phrase “If I have to get up” seems to work. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Yes the perfect phrase for those occasions 😄

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